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I want to talk about sentience.

Foto van schrijver: Linda van KollenburgLinda van Kollenburg

I want to shred forever this myth that somehow animals have emotions more complex than the 'fight or flight' responses when met with strange or unfamiliar circumstances. But first, and please read to the end, here is my story;- I'm the original tired farmer. I started this page in response to a claim by a vegan to a mutual friend that not consuming dairy could cure her husbands cancer. We argued long and hard (on FB) and I could not believe how badly informed and opinionated someone could be and how dangerous these sort of claims could be. I've farmed animals, cereals and fruit in both hemispheres. I've farmed organic and intensive. I've dabbled with regen and laboured long and hard in intensive livestock operations. I'm supposed to be retired currently but got tempted back into a job in beef processing.

Yes, that's right I work in an abattoir. We process hundreds of thousands of cattle each year. Prime beef, cull cows....the lot. Firstly, everything is captured on film. Right from the opening of the stock truck door to the closing of the cardboard box containing the 22kg of meat product as it glides into the freezer. This is done to ensure the welfare of the cattle is never compromised and is available for scrutiny at any time by any auditing body. These are my credentials. This is why I can confidently talk knowledgably about sentience.

Sorry. It doesn't exist.

A quick word about stunning as well;- each stun (electric shock) is controlled measured and recorded to ensure that exactly the right amount is given to each animal. The aim is no pain felt.

Below is a list of things that I have NEVER seen in the stockyard and races leading to the stun box.

Cows looking at me for mercy because they know they are about to be killed. The most common thing I see is mild curiosity at the strange surroundings. Cows crying because they have been separated from their families - never seen. Cows showing gratitude if they are released from the confines of the stock truck or a pen a bit too small for their numbers - never seen. Cows screaming in fear - never seen or heard. I could go on all day about the things that vegans claim that just don't happen! Please feel free to ask about anything I've claimed here. I'm not a scientist but I do have the experience. Trust me. Animals have no concept of death, premature or otherwise.


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