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"Misleading" new study claims eating meat helps you live longer.

Foto van schrijver: Linda van KollenburgLinda van Kollenburg

I was wondering when Plant Based News was going to respond to the Longevity Study recently published. How did they respond? Which a whiny “OPINION” full of debunked propaganda.

Let’s go through it shall we .. won’t take long

They mention the Adventist Study.. founded by a Ghost that while alive had a brain injury, received ‘visions’ and to this day they still call a prophet.

2 Great Articles that lay waste to that:

Thou Shalt not discuss Nutrition 'Science' without understanding its driving force

Seventh Day Adventist Vegetarianism: The Shocking Origins of the Vegan Diet

“We are better plant eaters than meat eaters.”

His is a great lecture (video) discussing the difference between us and all other primates with regards to our Guts being specialized for eating meat not plants. Includes TONS of links to back this up.

We also covered the recent research that shows we have always been hyper carnivore species

Three of my favourite articles on the lack of nutrient density in plant food:

The Problem with Plant Proteins: Grains, Beans, Nuts and Seeds

Does Meat Rot in Your Colon? No. What Does? Beans, Grains and Vegetables!

Vitamins and Minerals – Plants vs Animals

The sham of an article also discusses World Health Organization (WHO) calling meat a carcinogen

Rebuttal to this claim: WHO Says Meat Causes Cancer?

WHO ACTUALLY clarified it’s claim

““IARC’s review confirms the recommendation in WHO’s 2002 “Diet, nutrition and the prevention of chronic diseases” report, which advised people to moderate consumption of preserved meat to reduce the risk of cancer,” the spokesman said. “The latest IARC review does not ask people to stop eating processed meats but indicates that reducing consumption of these products can reduce the risk of colorectal cancer.”

So maybe get off the hot dog diet and you won’t get ass cancer… Oops “MAY” get ass cancer

Of course the biggest farce on EARTH was mentioned. Debunked over and over again but the cultist hang on to Eat Lancet Report like the Holy Grail. I have tons of articles making a mockery of it but this one will do nicely:

Authors of ‘unreliable’ anti-red meat report miss deadline to defend their data

Here is the Culprit I’m discussing. Plant Based News’ weak rebuttal:

Our post on the RESEARCH Plant Based news actually helped CONFIRM.

To conclude .. eat your plant food and do it as your body dictates but for the LOVE of SANITY.. keep plant food in its rightful place.. no where near our true Super Foods.. Animal based nutrition.

~ Lana Joe Salant



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