Philip Lymbery’s Sixty Harvests Left says our topsoil is exhausted – but don’t go vegan, responds Jayne Buxton in The Great Plant-Based Con
While Dutch farmers protest the World Economic Forum’s Net Zero plans, and Sri Lanka’s economy collapses after its government’s disastrous banning of synthetic fertilisers, it is timely to read two intelligent and very well-researched books that dissect perhaps the biggest issue of our time: the future of food and farming. Philip Lymbery is global chief executive of Compassion in World Farming and someone on the Left with, in this (farmer) reviewer’s view, rather too much time for those two false prophets of environmental change, George Monbiot and Chris Packham – scarily, in Sixty Harvests Left (★★★★) he gives “best-loved TV naturalist” Packham the opportunity to be “king for the day”. Yet there is little to fault in Lymbery’s thesis that mankind’s drive for cheap food has created hells on earth where animals on factory farms suffer in terrible conditions and the jungles and oceans are robbed for feedstocks. The main driver of rainforest destruction is soya production to provide for feedlot beef. Meanwhile, a single farmed salmon takes about 350 smaller wild fish to produce, taken from the seas leaving less for wild salmon and other fish to feed on. Elsewhere, topsoils are disappearing at an alarming rate from arable farms – hence the claim, the title of his book, that they only have 60 years of harvests left in them. He is right to call out what he sees as wasteful practices, converting grains and other plant-based foods into animal feeds. And he is fairer than most in differentiating grain-fed meat and milk from those produced in pasture-based systems. He judges grazing cattle to be part of the solution rather than the problem as they rebuild life in the soil. He is also right that we should find a safe way of feeding swill to pigs, again to cut down on food waste. But on the debit side, he fails to communicate adequately the nuances of meat production in his general message that we should eat far less meat, and he vastly underestimates the ability of regenerative livestock farming to replace intensive cereal-based methods. Those of us who have converted to grass-fed systems are finding that we are actually keeping many more cattle and producing much more food now, with far less input on the same acreages than we did when we were growing grain to feed to cattle. Yet he only envisages a very limited role for regenerative cattle farming alongside “plant-based proteins”, and he is starry-eyed about the possibilities of food-tech for feeding the world out of laboratories. “Protein is stepping into a new dawn,” he writes, “and by 2100, meat-eating as we know it will be a thing of the past.”

Potato farmers in Kenya CREDIT: Getty
The big flaw in Lymbery’s final deductions is that there is increasing evidence we have already done great damage to ourselves by eating too many plant-based foods and not enough animal foods. The clever meat and dairy substitutes may taste similar, but they do not come close to providing the nutrients we need. We are designed to be omnivores with marked carnivorous tendencies. That science is forensically analysed by Jayne Buxton in The Great Plant-Based Con (★★★★★). She is the ideal inquisitor: a mother concerned about her children’s generation’s nutrition; a lay-person able to be objective and speak out without losing a university seat or a research grant, but with knowledge of the food industry from a career in consultancy. She has sifted through all the scientific arguments fairly and produced a very readable book that explains it all to the general reader in a way that can easily be digested. She charts our descent into ill health from the 1970s, when governments around the world encouraged us to eat more carbohydrates and less animal fat. Too few people understand that eating fats won’t make you fat, but too many carbohydrates – such as bread, pasta, potatoes and rice – will, as they break down into sugar in the body. It is a fascinating read and its intelligent explanation of the way that Big Food makes us ill, and Big Pharma makes another fast buck curing us, may yet make it a seminal classic, similar in its impact to Rachel Carson’s brilliant exposé of chemical pesticides, Silent Spring, two generations ago.

A selection of bread, fruit, vegetables, beans and lentils CREDIT: Getty
There is no doubting Buxton’s conclusion that we have been conned. The evidence she has gleaned from recovering vegans of the damage done to their health – the tales of women who stopped menstruating, the young people who became depressed and those who damaged their immune systems irreparably – will make you very angry with the unscrupulous food corporates, virtue-signalling celebrities and BBC, who have promoted veganism. The Government has failed to protect consumers by providing the right advice, perhaps partly for fear of offending the powerful anti-meat lobby. It is a brave book and if you want to understand the culture wars, then look no further than the concerted efforts by Big Vegan to trash the book by negative Amazon reviews. Readers may wish to help redress the balance. As we perhaps move in a different direction under a new prime minister, this issue should come to the fore. Feeding the behemoth of the NHS would be so much less of a burden on the public finances if it was understood in Whitehall that many of the problems of obesity, diabetes, dementia, poor mental health, infertility and cancer would simply disappear if we all ate a healthier diet. Despite the plethora of dubious research funded by big business, there is no healthy substitute for the essential nutrition provided by meat, fish, dairy and eggs. The challenge is to keep on producing enough of it in such a way that the planet is not harmed. Maybe this is where many of Philip Lymbery’s ideas come in: smart new proteins and carbohydrates made in laboratories may be able to be safely fed to pigs, poultry and particularly fish that are in turn fed to us, saving the land and the oceans from destruction.