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The more people eat a plant-based diet, the less grass farm animals will get to eat.

Foto van schrijver: Linda van KollenburgLinda van Kollenburg

Recently palm oil in cow feed has been the rage. Let’s be clear, palm oil is first extracted from the palm fruit predominantly for human use, what is left is mainly palm kernel expeller(PKE), which is an agricultural by-product used as animal feed. Animals have been recycling human food waste since time immemorial and greatly help in making our food resources go further as well as is an important component of regenerative farming.

Ironically the more people turn plant-based, the more agricultural by-products for ruminants and other domesticated farm animals to recycle.

According to FAO(The Food and Agriculture Organization),

Up to 86% of animal feeds has never been fit and not meant for human consumption.... Breakdown of feed given to ruminants including cows and goats. 46 % grass and leaves, 19% crop residues including sugar cane tops and banana stems, 8 % fodder crops and silage, 5% oil seed cakes, 5% brewery spent byproducts and molasses, 3% other non edibles including second grade cereals and fish meal, 13% grains. In summary, 86% of livestock feed is not suitable for human consumption, much of it being by products of vegetable oil production, grain production, wine and beer production, sugar production, soy and nut milk production etc. Grains only account for 13 % of the diet in grain fed cows. And ruminants are able to turn these 86% non edibles to nutrient rich meat and milk for human consumption, helping greatly in recycling of food resources and also production of organic fertilisers for future crop use.

Here’s another informative and honest illustration of how agriculture by-products are recycled by cows to provide milk and meat. The farmers are brave enough to share the information and let’s not be too judgemental, even if one has different views on how things should be done. (Photo credit: Sunny Point Farms)

“As dairy producers we strive to be honest and open with consumers simply because we have nothing to hide. So we decided to show everyone exactly what our milking cows eat every single day.

The above picture is the feast for ONE day for ONE milking cow in our barn! She gets fed this all mixed up in what is called a total mixed ration. This ration or recipe is designed by our nutritionist and he is a trained nutritionist not someone who spread butter on their toast to do an experiment and trash an entire industry.

In our ration you will see corn, grass, canola, soy bean hulls, minerals ( salt, magnesium, sodium bicarbonate etc.) and yes you will see it palm fat!!!”

Should we let all these agriculture by-products go to waste resulting in even more land needed to be set aside for our food security? That’s a question that’s not going to be easily answered anytime soon.

Ultimately, want more grass-fed cows? Eat more grass-fed beef and drink more grass-fed milk, not turn plant-based.

~ Milton

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