It’s not tooth, limb nor claw, it’s actually the brain......

How many times have we heard vegans say that humans are not designed to eat meat because we do not have huge canines and sharp claws to catch prey and tear into flesh? Well, there’s a saying that anything is possible if you put your mind to it and that’s exactly what we humans did, we developed the largest brain weight-for-weight of any animal. Because of that, even though humans are omnivores, we are also the apex of all predators.
We do not have ears like a bat, but built satellite dishes to hear sounds light-years away. We do not have eyes like an eagle, but built telescopes that see the solar system and beyond.
We do not run with four legs like that of a cheetah, but built cars that race thrice as fast. We do not have wings, but built planes that fly across continents. We do not have fins, but built submarines that dive to the deepest depths. We do not have huge canines and sharp claws but hunt and eat the most variety of animals amongst the top predators, by inventing formidable hunting weapons.
Nowadays, most of us don’t even need to hunt because we have ingeniously learnt to farm animals instead.
2.5 million years ago, our meat-eating ancestors edged out their plant-eating counterparts and destined us to be the most carnivorous of apes.
We traded our large fermenting gut for a huge amazing brain instead. Such is the capacity of our thinking now that we even strive to be ethical when we hunt, grow and harvest our food. Ultimately, it’s meat-eating that gives rise to ethical omnivores', now that’s food for thought.